中国安全科学学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 175-183.doi: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2022.11.1201

• 公共安全 • 上一篇    下一篇


薛书琦(), 陈清化, 刘禹含, 龚壮壮   

  1. 西安邮电大学 现代邮政学院,陕西 西安 710061
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-20 修回日期:2022-09-17 出版日期:2022-11-28
  • 作者简介:

    薛书琦 (1990—),男,甘肃平凉人,博士,讲师,主要从事行人疏散、慢行交通、车辆路径规划等方面的研究。E-mail:

  • 基金资助:

Speed-density relationship and congestion risk analysis in bidirectional children flow

XUE Shuqi(), CHEN Qinghua, LIU Yuhan, GONG Zhuangzhuang   

  1. School of Modern Posts, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an Shaanxi 710061, China
  • Received:2022-05-20 Revised:2022-09-17 Published:2022-11-28


为了弥补目前对幼儿群体运动行为研究的不足,特别是对向流场景下幼儿群体运动的速密关系以及拥挤风险,首先,开展一系列由40~80名幼儿园儿童参加的相向运动行走试验;然后,基于泰森多边形密度测量方法,分析不同年龄段幼儿在相向运动场景中的速度密度关系;同时,引入速度变异系数 (CVS),定量分析其速度的离散性,并且与成人试验的结果进行对比;最后,结合泰森多边形邻域和社会力模型,提出拥挤风险计算方法,量化分析幼儿群体在对向流场景中的拥挤风险。结果表明:5~6岁幼儿运动速度的离散程度最大,其平均的CVS分别是3~4岁和4~5岁幼儿结果的1.2倍和 2.2倍。各年龄段幼儿的CVS均高于成人试验的结果,其中5~6岁幼儿的结果分别是中国和日本成年人试验的2.5倍和4.7倍。此外,拥挤风险分析结果显示,幼儿在相向运动过程中所承受的平均拥挤风险接近成年人的27%~64%。

关键词: 幼儿群体, 速密关系, 对向流, 速度变异系数 (CVS), 拥挤风险


In order to compensate the lack of understanding on children collective movement, especially the speed-density relationship and congestion risk of different age groups of children, a series of bidirectional flow experiments were conducted with 40-80 pre-school children in a kindergarten. The speed-density relationship of children from different age groups was analyzed based on Voronoi method. The CVS was introduced to depict the scatter characteristics of children walking speed and the results were compared with the adult experiments. Based on Voronoi neighborhood and social force model, the congestion risk of different age groups of children was also investigated. The results suggest that the walking speed of 5-6 years old group is the most scattered, with their average value of CVS being 1.2 and 2.2 times that of 3-4 years old group and 4-5 years old group, respectively. The CVS of all the three age groups of children are higher than that of adult experiments, with the CVS of 5-6 years old group being 2.5 and 4.7 times that of Chinese and Japanese adult experiments, respectively. In addition, the congestion risk of children group in the bidirectional flow is close to 27%-64% of that of adult group.

Key words: children group, speed-density relationship, bidirectional flow, coefficient of variation of speed (CVS), congestion risk