Publishing Ethics - Norms

  • Statement on Publishing Ethics and Disadvantages of

    China Security Science Journal

    Maintaining a good sense of ethics and practicing ethics are essential for everyone involved in academic research, writing, and publishing.China Safety Science Journal adheres to a high standard of publishing ethics and ethics. It fulfills this commitment with a transparent and standardized service, and provides correct advice when it finds out that an author's article has academic misconduct.Below we have listed a few of the publishing ethics and principles that are crucial to our publication for the reference of contributors. For more details. Please refer to the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) (the Committee on Publication Ethics) of the Publication of the official website (, the moral standards.

    1. Author's publishing ethics and drawbacks

    The author has the obligation to show that the paper is the original research work (except for the review) and does not contain any forgery, fraud or plagiarism.This paper does not involve state secrets and does not involve any infringement issues related to intellectual property rights.Guaranteed that no papers have been submitted and the content has not been published in any other publications or media in any other language.Guarantee not to submit articles to other publications before receiving the rejection notice from the editorial department.

    Citation sources have been clearly identified and listed in bibliographic form.The units and individuals who have provided scientific funding and consultation for this article have been listed in the acknowledgement.Respect the revision opinions of reviewers and editors.It is agreed that after the publication of the submitted paper, the right to use the copyright and the exclusive agency of the paper will be granted to the editorial department of China Safety Science Journal.The author must eliminate the following academic misconduct:

    1) Submit more than one paper: the author has the obligation to ensure the originality of the paper submitted, and confirm that it has never been published. Deliberately republishing a published paper is a serious violation of publishing ethics.The most important rule is that the paper should be original and not be submitted to other journals.If the paper has been published in different forms (including in different languages), or if a similar paper has been published or translated, the author should state this at the time of submission.

    2) Plagiarism: Plagiarism is one of the most common breaches of publishing ethics.Refers to the author without the permission of the original author, without citing the literature or acknowledgement of the way, deliberately unauthorized use of others' works.Plagiarism takes the form of direct reposting and paraphrasing of someone else's work. It can involve data, words, sentences, paragraphs, ideas and concepts.We will never tolerate any plagiarism.

    3) Co-authorship: authorship is indicated to ensure that the person who contributed to the research will be recognized and that he/she is responsible for the research. Delibately distorting the relationship between the researcher and the study is improper and undermines the credibility of the results.Contributions must obtain the authorization and consent of the co-authors before submission.

    4) Originality: The author shall not resubmit published data as the source material, except when expressly informed and appropriately cited by the author.

    5) Research fraud: research fraud means that the index data or conclusions are not obtained from experiments or research, but are fabricated and tampered with by the authors.Under no circumstances should researchers falsify.

    2. Publishing ethics and drawbacks of peer reviewers

    In order to ensure the scientific and accurate hearing of manuscripts, and can make objective and fair evaluation.The content of the review shall be kept strictly confidential and the research results of the authors shall be respected.Avoid manuscripts with interest relations.

    1) The journal implements a three-review system based on peer review (initial review by editors, external review by experts and final review by editors).In order to ensure the academic quality of the journal, the editorial department will allow experts in the same field to review the manuscripts and decide whether to accept the manuscripts of authors.The author's name, organization and other relevant information are deleted before the manuscript is submitted for review, that is, the review process is double-blind.The specific process of manuscript processing is as follows: ① Receipt: After receiving the manuscript, the editorial department registers the manuscript, and sends a receipt to the author, informing him of the manuscript number and the account number of the author when logging on the website for manuscript inquiry.(2) Preliminary examination: if it does not conform to the purpose and the scope of the topic;No new ideas, repeat the work of predecessors;Too many similar manuscripts and their contents are repeated;Vague ideas, confusing logic, and lack of readability;Academic misconduct detection results: the total repetition rate was more than 25%;If the experimental or theoretical research has obvious defects, the data is not accurate, and the charts have obvious errors, the paper can be rejected or suggested to be submitted to other journals.(3) External review: The editor will submit the paper to two non-authors or members of the research group in the relevant field, and have no interest in the external review experts for peer review.The paper will be evaluated for its creativity, academic level, rigor and other specific contents.In principle, the review time is required to be 30 working days.If the peer review does not agree, more than one expert will be selected to review the paper.If more than two experts suggest "rejection", the editorial department will reject the paper.(4) Final review of the editor: the editor of the editorial department will review the manuscripts of the month on a regular basis (every month), and make the final decision on whether to employ the articles based on the opinions of external audit experts and the situation of the author's revision.If you need to ask experts to review, will be sent out again;If it needs to be modified, it will be submitted again for repair.The final review result of the chief editor is divided into acceptance and rejection.

    2) Requirements and responsibilities of reviewers: ①Use their own professional knowledge and ability to review the creativity, science and practicality of manuscripts;Put forward fair evaluation on whether the research method is appropriate, whether the scientific research design is reasonable, whether the results and conclusions are accurate, whether there is leak, etc., so as to help the editor judge the choice of the manuscript;Put forward detailed suggestions on the problems existing in the paper to help the author improve the quality of the paper. ②The review of the manuscript only in the academic evaluation, not to make personal evaluation and personal attacks.The selection of manuscripts is independent of the contributor's race, gender, religion, belief, status, qualifications and authority, and must be clearly stated with sufficient evidence and facts. ③ Fill in the review opinions on time and give feedback to the editorial department within the prescribed time.If the manuscript cannot be completed on time, the situation should be explained and the manuscript should be returned. ④ Keep the censored manuscripts strictly confidential, do not circulate or discuss the manuscripts to others, do not use or publish the data, opinions and conclusions of the reviewed manuscripts. If you want to use the manuscripts, you must obtain the consent of the author. ⑤ The report and evidence clearly cited in the preliminary research of the paper must clearly indicate the source.The reviewer should confirm the published works not cited by the author;Explain to the author the similarity or repeatability between the submitted paper and the published paper and data according to the scope of knowledge cognition.⑥ All comments and information must be kept confidential and should not be used for personal purposes.Reviewers are not allowed to review articles that have conflicts of interest with the authors, units or enterprises due to competition or cooperation.

    3. Editors' publishing ethics and drawbacks

    Strictly implement relevant national laws and regulations, abide by academic publishing ethics and norms.Handle all submissions in a timely and fair manner, respecting the authors' research results and the opinions of reviewers.Keep confidential the information of authors and reviewers.Avoiding favor drafts.

    1) The editor shall be responsible for all the editing links of the journal, including continuously promoting the development of the journal and ensuring the high-quality and timely publication of the editor's manuscripts.Editors should follow the policies set by the editorial board and the laws governing libel, tort and plagiarism in selecting articles.

    2) To keep the authenticity of the review records, and to keep and keep confidential the materials in each link of review and revision.Editors and members of the Editorial Department shall not disclose any information regarding the submission of the paper to others other than to provide necessary information, as appropriate, to the corresponding authors, reviewers, and members of the Editorial Board.

    3) Select articles fairly, and accept or reject articles only on the basis of their originality, importance, clarity, and compatibility with the purpose and scope of the journal.

    4) Communicate with the author in time to obtain the author's consent when there are major changes in the edited article.Put an end to all commercial needs and interests that are detrimental to academic ethics.

    5) The editor shall have the obligation to investigate and communicate with the academic misconduct. Once there is an appeal of academic ethics for submitting a paper or publishing an article, the editor must take effective countermeasures. ①The editor should be cautious about the papers that are finally identified as academic misconduct, inform the authors in time, and allow the authors to explain and argue before making a decision. ② If the paper is not accepted, the editorial department will immediately terminate the processing process, reject the paper and give criticism and education to the author. ③If the paper has been accepted, but not officially published, the editorial department will reject the paper and cancel the eligibility for recruitment. At the same time, the author will be given a warning and archived. ④ If the paper has been officially published, the editorial department will publish an announcement on the paper and the website, and inform the cooperative database to delete the online version of the paper and terminate the dissemination of the paper;At the same time, this incident was reported to the author's unit.The editorial Department reserves the right to continue to seek compensation for damages caused to its reputation or other damages. ⑤The papers submitted by the first author or corresponding author who plagiarized seriously or sent more than one paper will not be accepted within 3 years.

    6) The editor shall ensure that the information submitted by the author shall not be used for the editor's own research or for the research of others;Ensure that the identities of reviewers and other relevant staff in the editorial department are protected during the blind review.Encourage academic contention and have the obligation to respond to the author's different views on the reviewer's opinion.

    7) Editors shall ensure that the evaluation of papers is fair and reasonable.In case of any conflict of interest or cooperation with relevant authors, units or enterprises due to competition or cooperation, the editor must propose to replace the reviewer, and the chief editor or other editorial board members shall be responsible for the review of the paper.

    4. Copyright Notice

    The copyright of the manuscript belongs to the author, and the author is responsible for it.Once the paper is published in this journal, the author agrees to automatically transfer the copyright of the paper to the editorial department, including the rights of electronic publishing, multimedia publishing, network publishing and other forms of publishing.The journal has authorized China Academic Journals (CD-ROM) electronic magazine to reproduce, compile, distribute and disseminate the full text of the journal digitally in CNKI and its series database products.By submitting the article to the Journal for publication, the author shall be deemed to agree to the above statement.

  • 2024-09-26 Visited: 18642