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    Connotation and capacity building of safe development of new quality productivity
    LUO Fanglu, LUO Wuzan
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (10): 8-16.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.10.0616
    Abstract850)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (1872KB)(0)       Save

    From the perspective of overall high-quality development and high-level security strategy, in order to realize the integration of new quality and productivity security development, research was carried out on the connotation, basic characteristics and capabilities of new quality and productivity security development. First, based on the triangle model, the connotation of safe development of new quality productivity was explained in combination with specific cases. Secondly, using the method of system engineering, the three-dimensional structural model was constructed, and the essential characteristics of the safe development of new quality productivity were analyzed. Finally, the capacities required for enhancing the safe development of new quality productivity were proposed. The research results indicate that the safe development of new quality productivity should focus on science and technology security, information data security, and risk management in new security fields, which are characterized by basic, overall, dynamic, complex and extensive features. The basic is reflected in the time dimension, the overall, dynamic and complex are manifested in the logic dimension, and the extensive features are embodied in the knowledge dimension. To promote safe development of new quality productivity, it is necessary to enhance strategic ability, leadership ability, collaboration ability, risk management ability, and theoretical innovation ability, corresponding to the three-dimensional structure model.

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    Research on early warning for prefabricated building workers' unsafe behaviors of working at height based on RF-SFLA-SVM
    WANG Junwu, HE Juanjuan, SONG Yinghui, LIU Yipeng, CHEN Zhao, GUO Jingyi
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (3): 1-8.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.03.1288
    Abstract430)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (2281KB)(97)       Save

    In order to effectively provide early warning of the occurrence trend or state of prefabricated building workers' unsafe behaviors (PBWUBs) of working at height, and to enhance the control of PBWUBs, RF-SFLA-SVM model was proposed to conduct an early warning study on workers' unsafe behaviors. Firstly, the SHEL (Software-Hardware-Environment-Liveware) model was used to analyze the factors influencing the unsafe behaviors of prefabricated building workers in danger of working at height. RF was used to determine the key warning indicators. Then SFLA was used to find the best parameters for SVM. Finally, the RF-SFLA-SVM model was used to predict and warn about the unsafe behavioral state of the prefabricated building workers working at height, and its performance was compared with other warning models. The results show that the RF-SFLA-SVM-based warning accuracy of PBWUBs of working at height was the highest, 91.67%, which was a maximum improvement of 14% compared with the warning performance of other models. The research results can give a reference for the control and prevention of PBWUBs working at height.

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    Experimental study on spalling failure of deep hard rock tunnels with different lithology and cross-section shapes
    LI Xiang, MIAO Sen, YANG Bo
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (8): 108-119.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.08.0597
    Abstract331)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (31847KB)(0)       Save

    To explore the influence of the lithology and cross-section shape on spalling failure properties of deep hard rock tunnels, indoor true triaxial tests on spalling failure were performed. Firstly, two types of rock samples (marble and granite) and two typical cross-section shapes (high side wall gate arch shape and horseshoe shape) samples in practical applications were selected. Then, the failure characteristics under the influence of different lithology and cross-section shapes were analyzed from the three aspects including spalling failure mode, spalling rock plate characteristics, and the characteristic stress during spalling. Finally, numerical simulation was conducted to explore the corresponding displacement and stress distribution characteristics during the development and propagation of the cracks. Furthermore, the spalling failure characteristics of deep hard rock tunnels were investigated. The results indicated that the slab peeling and opening failure phenomenon for the marble sample was more significant than the granite one in terms of spalling failure mode during the test process. Moreover, the cross-sectional contour range involved in spalling failure for the horseshoe shape sample was smaller than the high-side wall gate arch shape. Different lithologies presented different flaked rock slab shapes for different flaked rock slab characteristics. Compared with the high-side wall gate shape, the flaked rock slabs near the outer layer relevant to the curved wall arch sample were more slender. For the characteristic stress during spalling, the granite sample had a larger threshold at the beginning of the spalling and a faster rate for the evolution process of the spalling failure compared with the marble one. Furthermore, compared with the horseshoe shape sample, the characteristic stresses of the high-side wall gate arch sample were higher from the beginning of plate cracking to the occurrence of obvious plate cracking failure. The area with large displacement in the numerical simulation was mainly observed on the side wall of the hole. The farther away from the side wall, the smaller the displacement. Moreover, the major reason the spalling occurs can be attributed to the tangential stress concentration.

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    Overview of recognition methods of pedestrian abnormal behaviors in public places
    ZHAO Rongyong, WEI Bingyu, ZHU Wenjie, ZHENG Chengyuan, LI Haonan
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (2): 83-93.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.02.1125
    Abstract326)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (6468KB)(104)       Save

    The purpose of this research is to clarify the research progress of the theory and technology of pedestrian abnormal behavior recognition in public places. Firstly, with the help of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and the Web of Science (WOS), a broad definition and universal characteristics of abnormal pedestrian behavior in public places were given. The existing research results related to abnormal behaviors were divided into three categories: harmful behaviors, dissociable behaviors and violations. Then, from the perspective of data and technological foundations, the existing abnormal behavior recognition methods were divided into four categories: artificial design, human skeleton, Red Geen Blue(RGB) images and wearable sensors. Secondly, this study sorted out the abnormal behavior datasets of mainstream populations both domestically and internationally, and analyzed the performance of relevant algorithms on the datasets. Finally, the limitations of existing research methods in available datasets and data fusion detection were summarized, and future research directions and optimization suggestions were provided. The results indicate that these four types of abnormal behavior recognition methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to construct a diversified, well-defined and high-quality international benchmark dataset of abnormal behaviors among the crowd. Future research should focus on robust and accurate methods, models, and algorithms for identifying abnormal behaviors, explore multi-dimensional data fusion complementary detection methods, improve the application scenario consistency and adaptability of the theoretical results of abnormal behavior recognition, and eventually enhance the level of public place crowd safety governance.

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    Situation awareness and behavior response model of crane drivers based on DEMATEL-AISM
    JIN Lianghai, LIU Hao, WU Bangjie, SHI Hui, HE Shiyu
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (9): 1-8.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.09.0096
    Abstract295)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (3793KB)(0)       Save

    To have a deep understanding of the causal relationship between crane drivers' situation awareness information and behavior, the situation awareness and behavior response model of crane drivers was proposed by combining the ENDSLEY situation awareness model with the DEMATEL-AISM method. Firstly, the situation awareness theory was used to analyze the driver's behavioral response process and obtain information factors during the crane operation task. Secondly, the DEMATEL method was used to quantitatively analyze the association between the factors and determine a comprehensive influence matrix. Moreover, the attributes and characteristic values of the factors were analyzed to identify the key factors. Finally, a stable hierarchical structure of cause-effect attributes obtained by the AISM was used to propose the situation awareness and behavior response model of crane drivers. The results revealed that a five-layer information model consisted of 22 elements and influence relationships such as key elements of trajectory prediction and planning, and collision avoidance. Furthermore, the proposed model clarified the attribute characteristics, influence relationships, and influence degree among the information elements, offering a deep understanding of the crane driver's situation awareness and behavior response.

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    A review of flight control system fault research based on QAR data
    WANG Yantao, GAO Yi, SHI Tongyu
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (4): 1-9.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.04.1254
    Abstract289)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1834KB)(67)       Save

    To systematically review the research progress and current status of fault analysis in civil aircraft flight control systems, both domestically and internationally, this review study was carried out. The study focused on identifying typical fault types of flight control systems through analysing QAR data. Firstly, the process of QAR data preprocessing and feature extraction was summarized. Secondly, based on the performance metrics achievable by fault analysis, four stages of fault research were proposed, including fault monitoring, fault identification, fault diagnosis, and fault prediction. Finally, by combining the progress and depth of domestic and international research, typical fault types of flight control systems were identified, including rudder hydraulic leakage, inconsistent elevator indications, and flap actuation delays. Commonly used QAR data items for modeling include aircraft primary control surface positions, flight attitudes, aircraft performance, left and right flap angles, and flap positions. Calculation methods encompass physical models, multivariate statistics, logical reasoning, and machine learning. The results show that through a systematic analysis of the latest research progress in subsystems such as rudder, elevator, and flaps, it is found that certain achievements have been made in fault types, parameter selection, and the improvement of calculation methods. However, the fault research stage is primarily focused on fault diagnosis or non-real-time prediction. Further emphasis is required on addressing safety assurance and practical maintenance needs to achieve real-time fault prediction technology.

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    Construction of intelligent system security analysis system under view of negative systematics in 5G era
    NIU Lixia, LI Xiaomeng, WANG Hongmei
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (8): 1-10.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.08.0226
    Abstract284)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (2631KB)(0)       Save

    In order to explore the negativity and universality of security incidents, a reverse thinking paradigm based on Negative Systems Theory in safety science was first applied in conjunction with the Ecosystem Theory from systems science. This approach identified the characteristics of intelligent systems—openness, inclusivity, interactive coupling, and dynamic balance—and clarified the logical framework for intelligent system security analysis. Subsequently, the sources of security incident hazards were identified from the perspective of negative systems theory, and the mechanisms behind security incidents were explained. The concept of cohesive coupling was introduced, and an s-shaped framework model was proposed to analyze the stability of subsystems within intelligent systems and investigate their underlying technological support. Finally, using the concepts of producers, transmitters, consumers, and decomposers, the dynamic balance of information flow throughout the entire process in intelligent systems was analyzed, collectively shaping the security analysis framework under the negative systems theory perspective. The results indicated that the security analysis framework established under the negative systems theory perspective could effectively analyze the secure and stable operation as well as the dynamic balance of information flow throughout intelligent systems, ensuring the comprehensiveness and reliability of intelligent system security analysis.

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    Study on multidimensional quantification of individual workload of controllers
    WANG Lili, GU Qiuli
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (6): 1-9.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.06.1562
    Abstract276)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (2017KB)(4)       Save

    In order to enhance the efficacious operation of the air traffic control system, a quantitative model was established by focusing on the individual load of controllers. Tests were designed to collect pre-service and post-service data on various indicators from 16 area controllers in the front line. Sensitive variables were selected to describe individual loads based on changes in test data. A comprehensive assessment index system was established that included three dimensions: psychological perception load, physiological reaction load, and mental workload. The controller individual load index model was developed. The optimal weights of the individual load index were determined by the the entropy-critic combination weighting method. The quantitative model of the controller's individual workload was finally derived. Further K-Means clustering analysis was performed based on the controller's individual load composite index. There were evident discrepancies in the workload changes of the controllers due to different individual postures. The results indicate that the post-post individual workload changes of the controllers could be classified into three distinct groups. The first group, comprising 50% of the total number of controllers, exhibited the smallest post-post individual workload growth. The second group, accounting for 43.75% of the total number of controllers, exhibited a moderate post-post individual workload growth. The third group, comprising 6.25% of the total number of controllers, exhibited the largest post-post individual workload increase. These findings align with the instructor's ratings of controller competence.

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    Construction and practice of collaborative education system for safety disciplines: from "Four-dimensional integration" to "Four-chain parallel"
    TONG Ruipeng, WANG Leyao, HAN Jixiang, KANG Rongxue, ZHANG-JIANG Bonan, AN Yu
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (10): 1-7.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.10.1026
    Abstract266)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (7242KB)(0)       Save

    To promote the all-around cultivation of undergraduate-master-doctoral integrated talents in safety science and engineering in universities, an effective collaborative education system was proposed by integrating curriculum ideological and politics, scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship (dual innovation), and industry education. Firstly, based on the current collaboration situation, the issues of the collaborative education system of safety discipline were deeply analyzed in terms of ideological education, science education, creative education, and industry education, and the connotation requirements of "a game of chess" were proposed. Then, a "four-dimensional integration" collaborative education system was developed through ideological and political guidance, research-driven, dual innovation cultivation, and industry-education orientation. Finally, based on the school's "Technology Mine" practical education brand, the practice of the "four-chain parallel" collaborative education system was performed in the case of safety discipline at China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing. The results showed that the collaboration education system for the safety discipline transferring from "four-dimensional integration" to "four-chain parallel" can meet the educational goals of the safety disciplines at different stages from undergraduate to master's to doctoral levels. It can also respond to the times for ideological and political, scientific research, industry, innovation, and entrepreneurship in safety science and engineering.

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    Research on talent development systems for emergency technology and management majors to meet national needs
    WANG Li, CHEN Wentao, GUAN Wenling, SUN Aijun
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (5): 9-16.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.05.0128
    Abstract265)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (3824KB)(26)       Save

    To promote the construction of emergency technology and management majors and strengthen the university talent cultivation of emergency rescue, the majors' characteristics were determined based on the national needs in emergency. Then, a talent development mode for emergency technology and management majors was proposed from aspects of professional ethics, theoretical knowledge systems, and practical technical ability. Firstly, the majors' professional ethics were clarified based on the professional ethics requirements from Teaching Standards for Emergency Rescue Technology and National Vocational Skill Standards for Emergency Rescuers. Secondly, a core curriculum system covering the entire emergency lifecycle was proposed using the PPRR(Prevention, Preparation, Response, Recovery) model including prevention, preparation, response, and recovery. Next, a combination of learning and training, integration of government-industries-research organizations was proposed to advance the cultivation of emergency skills and the enhancement of practical innovation capabilities. Finally, a talent cultivation system was developed from the perspectives of textbooks, faculties, teaching process management, a talent assessment system, and a continuous improvement mechanism. The results indicated that the talent development system integrated with public service and social responsibility attributes, full-cycle work content, disasters, and multi-subjects practical applications. Moreover, the system developed a close connection between talent cultivation and practical work needs and guided for cultivating of high-level applied talents in the emergency field who had moral and professional qualifications and theory and practice capabilities.

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    Statistical analysis and countermeasures of major accidents in coal mines in China
    WANG Haijun, QI Qingjie, LIANG Yuntao, QI Qingxin, LIU Yingjie, SUN Zuo
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (9): 9-18.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.09.0208
    Abstract252)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (13080KB)(0)       Save

    To reveal the characteristics of coal mine accidents in China in recent years, and put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions for accident prevention, firstly, the major and catastrophic coal mine accidents in China from 2013 to 2023 were collected and analyzed from the aspects of the year, type, month, province and cause of the accident. Secondly, taking "2·22" particularly serious collapse accident in Inner Mongolia Xinjing coal mine as an example, the accident was analyzed based on 24Model. Finally, combined with the above analysis and research results, the accident prevention countermeasures and suggestions in line with the current situation of coal mine safety production in China were put forward. The analysis and research results show that the number of major accidents and deaths in coal mines has shown an overall downward trend, and the level of coal mine safety production in China has significantly improved since the 12th Five Year Plan. Gas accidents are still the main accidents in coal mines in China, accounting for 51%. The fourth quarter of each year is a period of high incidence of coal mine accidents, accounting for 30.43% of the total number of accidents. Affected by geological conditions and occurrence, accidents often occur in the main coal producing areas. The proportion of accidents caused by unsafe human behavior is as high as 74%. When there are hidden dangers at both the individual and organizational levels and the dual prevention measures are not in place, accidents are likely to occur. Countermeasures and suggestions for reducing coal mine safety accidents are put forward from four dimensions, including safety supervision, strengthening safety through science and technology, team development and safety culture.

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    Identification of critical factors in chemical accidents based on text mining and improved DEMATEL method
    WANG Liang, LAI Jiayan, ZHANG Zixin, WANG Yingming
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (3): 20-28.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.03.0230
    Abstract241)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (3671KB)(56)       Save

    To draw lessons from historical chemical accidents and guide the practice of chemical safety production management, a method for identifying critical factors in chemical accidents based on text mining and improved DEMATEL method was proposed. Firstly, text mining technology was used to fully mine the text information of 1 627 chemical accident investigation reports, based on which 14 chemical accident influencing factors were extracted according to related literature, laws and regulations. Then, the fuzzy DEMATEL method based on alpha-level sets was used to calculate the performance levels of the factors affecting chemical accidents. Finally, the correlations between critical factors and other factors were analyzed and the mechanism of chemical accidents was revealed. The results show that 8 chemical accident influencing factors are identified as the critical factors, i.e., extreme weather, regulations, technical procedures, hidden danger investigation, risk control, education and training, supervision and management, and operation management. These 8 critical factors have direct impact on the influence factors such as facilities and equipment, material reactions, occupational quality, job responsibilities, emergency management, and safety investment, which eventually lead to chemical accidents.

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    Research on connotation and governance path of metaverse safety & security
    WANG Bing, WANG Bing, LIAO Huimin
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (2): 2-7.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.02.0921
    Abstract227)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1785KB)(44)       Save

    In order to clarify the connotation and governance path of metaverse safety & security and further enrich the theory of metaverse safety & security, the concept of metaverse safety & security was put forward based on a large safety & security pattern, and the basic features of metaverse safety & security were analyzed. Moreover, the governance path of metaverse safety & security was proposed. The results show that metaverse safety & security refers to the state or ability of the metaverse to reshape spatial and temporal stability, social civilization advancement and human well-being enhancement from the influence of unfavorable factors, and it has eight basic characteristics, namely, relativity, complexity, vibration, extensiveness, immediacy, relevance, publicity, and multidimensionality. Metaverse safety & security governance should integrate the development and safety & security of the metaverse, adhere to the principle of joint consultation and sharing, build a "technology-rule-society" trinity of governance models, and strive to enhance the digital safety & security capacity of the metaverse.

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    Research on configurational causes of employee work safety violations: from a complexity theoretical perspective
    LIU Lin, WU Jinnan, MEI Qiang
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (3): 9-19.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.03.0451
    Abstract220)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (1925KB)(32)       Save

    In order to reveal the complex causality between EWSV and their multiple antecedent conditions, and to improve the efficiency of safety governance, a comprehensive model integrating contemporary deterrence theory, protection motivation theory, and social learning theory was constructed from a perspective of complexity theory. Based on this, six antecedent conditions affecting EWSV were identified from three perspectives: leader, coworker, and employee. Then, the fsQCA was used to reveal what configuration of antecedent conditions would lead to high level of EWSV. The results show that a single antecedent condition is insufficient to explain high level of EWSV but safety-specific leader punishment omission and coworker work safety violations(CWSV) play universal roles in forming high level of EWSV. Three types of driving modes composed of five condition configurations can lead to high level of EWSV. Three types of condition configurations lead to non-high level of EWSV. Reducing CWSV and improving employees' perception for formal sanctions are crucial for achieving non-high level of EWSV. Different combinations of multiple antecedent conditions can lead to high level of EWSV, and there is a complex causality (concurrency, equivalence, and asymmetry) between high level of EWSV and their antecedent conditions.

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    Risk assessment of low-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle operation based on fuzzy Bayesian network
    GENG Zengxian, CHEN Junyu
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (8): 53-60.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.08.1295
    Abstract214)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (6229KB)(0)       Save

    To solve the current safety risk issues of UAV operations in low-altitude urban environments, a FBN was used to identify and analyze the key risk factors of low-altitude UAV operations. Firstly, risk factors were analyzed from the perspective of human-machine-environment-management based on operation process of low-altitude UAVs. GeNIe software was used to develop a Bayesian network(BN) for risk assessment of low-altitude UAV operations, and the prior probabilities of the underlying events were analyzed using expert prior knowledge and fuzzy sets. Finally, univariate, bivariate, and sensitivity analyses were performed, and the network feasibility was validated. The results indicated that the key risk factors for low-altitude UAV operation were UAV battery failure, environmental obstacles on the operation route, and UAV operation supervision technology. FBN reverse inference showed that environment-related risk (79%) and UAV equipment risk (60%) were the main risk factors in the UAV operation process.

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    Study on network security education of college students based on KAP theory
    LI Yuanyuan, YUAN Yulin, SUI Lirui
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (5): 1-8.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.05.1987
    Abstract212)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (4311KB)(23)       Save

    In order to improve the situation of network security education and the quality of network security education in colleges and universities, a cognitive-attitude-behavior theoretical model of college students was constructed. Through the distribution and screening of questionnaires, 659 valid questionnaires were obtained. SEM was used to test the influence of network security education on network security cognition, network security attitude and network security behavior in the collected data. The results show that network security education can have a significant influence on network security cognition, network security attitude and network security behavior. During the influenced process, network security cognition and network security attitude play an independent and chain intermediary role. Legal and moral education, knowledge education, practical activities, and leading by example can directly affect network security behavior. Legal and moral education has the strongest influence, followed by knowledge education. Practical activities and leading by example are the weakest. In terms of specific paths of process, legal and moral education mainly affects network security behavior through direct effect, while knowledge education, practical activities and leading by example mainly affect network security behavior indirectly through security cognition.

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    Analysis on research topic and curriculum setting of safety engineering undergraduate theses
    ZHAO Jinlong, JIA Chenxi, CUI Huaying, PENG Xiandu
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (2): 8-14.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.02.2240
    Abstract209)   HTML13)    PDF(pc) (4295KB)(80)       Save

    In order to improve the construction of undergraduate curriculum settings in the field of safety engineering, a total of 68 outstanding undergraduate theses (designs) from 38 universities in 2021 were collected and organized in this study. CiteSpace software was used to perform cluster analysis on the keywords of the theses, and the current research topics of undergraduate theses (designs) were clarified. Subsequently, the industry background of safety engineering in the 38 universities was investigated, and the differences of curriculums between representative Chinese and foreign universities in safety-related disciplines were statistically analyzed. The results show that the high-frequency keywords in the 68 theses are mainly related to the following aspects: "numerical simulation", "disaster warning", "safety management system" and "resilience". Based on the investigation results of the industry background of universities, among the 68 theses(designs), the number of theses in the direction of public safety accounts for 45.6%, and the number of papers on mine safety accounts for 8.82%, but nearly 40% of the 38 universities take mine safety as a key service area, which showed that the research directions of safety disciplines theses has shifted from focus on industry safety to "general safety science". However, the characteristic curriculums still primarily focus on industry safety, with some repetition in the content of basic curriculums. Furthermore, there is a lack of numerical simulation curriculums. These factors make it difficult for the currently offered curriculums to support students in conducting their graduation projects. Additionally, compared with safety-related disciplines in foreign universities, it was found that the number of basic curriculums in safety engineering in China is relatively high, whereas the practical curriculums show the opposite condition.

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    Risk zoo (V): practice and reflection on theory of risk metaphors based on cultural identity
    TONG Ruipeng, HU Xiangyang, YIN Xuechen, YANG Angbin
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (4): 10-16.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.04.2055
    Abstract205)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (1548KB)(48)       Save

    In order to strengthen the understanding of the contribution of the risk zoo to risk culture construction and explore its practical and applied value, the mechanism and path of cultural identity of the risk zoo were explored based on cultural identity theory. As an important carrier of risk culture construction, the cultural identity path of risk zoo also follows the framework of risk culture identity system. The cultural identity system of the risk zoo was presented from two aspects: individual and group. The results show that individual identity develops progressively along the path of value identity→emotional identity→behavioral identity, and group identity develops progressively along the path of risk concept→risk communication→risk participation. Cultural identity is the basis for the practical application of the risk zoo, and the practical application framework of the risk zoo should be carried out in accordance with the cultural identity system. It can actively guide individuals to build a healthy risk awareness and lead groups to create a good risk culture through the creation of a science popularization platform that combines online and offline, and places equal emphasis on professionalism and communication.

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    ChatSOS: large language model-based knowledge Q&A system for safety engineering
    TANG Haiyang, LIU Zhenyi, CHEN Dongping, CHU Qingzhao
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (8): 178-185.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.08.1901
    Abstract204)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (3516KB)(0)       Save

    To address the limitations of large language models in safety engineering, such as the corpus size, input processing capabilities and privacy concerns, ChatSOS, a Q&A system based on large language models, was developed. Based on 117 explosion incident reports from 2013 to 2023, a vector database to enhance the system's capability was constructed. ChatSOS integrated prompt engineering and external knowledge base to retrieve and analyze relevant data from the database. Compared to ChatGPT, ChatSOS integrated the external knowledge base, so that the big language model could retrieve the relevant corpus from the database according to the user's input information and make in-depth analysis. The results show that ChatSOS excels in in-depth professional problem analysis, autonomous task allocation, and providing detailed summaries and recommendations based on incident reports. By combining with the external knowledge database, the limitations of the large language model's professional corpus in safety engineering are overcome, which prevents performance degradation associated with fine-tuning on new datasets, broadens the application of large language models in this field, and paves the way for future advancements in automation and intelligent systems.

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    Research on influence of emotion on miners' safety behaviour competence
    ZHANG Qian, LI Jizu, SHEN Min
    China Safety Science Journal    2024, 34 (6): 39-47.   DOI: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.06.1742
    Abstract204)   HTML1)    PDF(pc) (4611KB)(4)       Save

    In order to reduce the occurrence of safety accidents in coal mine production, from the perspective of emotion control, based on Valence-Arousal (V-A) emotional model, combined with emotional arousal methods and physiological measurement techniques, a cognitive experiment of miners' safety behavioral competence was conducted. Attention and decision-making time under different emotional states were measured. The regression analysis was used to investigate the continuous effects of degree-of-arousal on attention and risk preference under different emotional valence. The results show that in low degree-of-arousal and positive emotions, decreasing degree-of-arousal leads to weaker attention and more risk aversion in decision making in miners. In the high degree-of-arousal and positive emotions, with the increase of degree-of-arousal, the level of attention and risk aversion of miners in decision-making first increases and then decreases, until it is lower than neutral emotions. In low degree-of-arousal and negative emotions, decreasing degree-of-arousal would make miners pay less attention and have lower risk aversion in decision-making. In the high degree-of-arousal and negative emotions, an increase in degree-of-arousal increases and then decreases the attention and risk aversion in decision making, even until they are lower than the level of neutral emotions. By contrast, in the high degree-of-arousal range, increasing degree-of-arousal in positive emotion is more likely to reduce miners' safety behavioral competence to lower than the level of neutral emotional.

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