中国安全科学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 186-191.doi: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.03.1785

• 公共安全 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈大伟1(), 庞世俊1, 郗艳红2   

  1. 1 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,山东 青岛 266111
    2 北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京 100044
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-14 修回日期:2023-12-24 出版日期:2024-03-28
  • 作者简介:

    陈大伟 (1982—),男,山东济南人,博士,教授级高级工程师,主要从事高速列车防灾减灾方面的工作。E-mail:


  • 基金资助:

Study on evacuation of passengers from train compartment fires in low-vacuum tunnels

CHEN Dawei1(), PANG Shijun1, XI Yanhong2   

  1. 1 CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., Qingdao Shandong 266111, China
    2 School of Civil Engineering and Construction, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
  • Received:2023-09-14 Revised:2023-12-24 Published:2024-03-28


为探究真空管道运输系统内列车火灾的人员疏散问题及烟气蔓延规律,运用火灾模拟软件(FDS)及人员仿真疏散软件Pathfinder,以低真空隧道内由5节车厢构成的高速列车车厢火灾时乘客疏散为研究对象,综合比较10种疏散方案中疏散时间、烟气蔓延程度及CO体积分数,得到乘客最佳疏散方案,并设计救援车对接高速列车车门的辅助疏散方式。结果表明:当着火车厢的乘客疏散至相邻车厢时,乘客的最佳疏散方式为靠近门口的2排乘客与靠近火源的1排乘客同时离开,随后按照与火源的距离由近到远逐排撤离。若采用救援车辅助疏散,当火灾发生在车厢1、车厢2或车厢3时,救援车到达后完成全车乘客疏散的总用时分别为533、586和376 s;车厢1发生火灾时,门1的利用时间为200 s;车厢2发生火灾时,门1的利用时间为145 s;当车厢3发生火灾时,2个门的利用率较为均衡。因此,在实际疏散时,可以采用语音播报的形式引导乘客充分利用好2个车门,以节约疏散时间。

关键词: 低真空隧道, 列车车厢, 列车火灾, 乘客疏散, 疏散方案, 火灾模拟软件(FDS)


In order to study the evacuation of passengers in a train fire in a vacuum tube transportation system and the smoke spreading law, The fire numerical simulation software FDS and the personnel simulation evacuation software Pathfinder were used to study the evacuation of passengers in case of fire in a high-speed train compartment consisting of 5 cars in a low-vacuum tunnel. Comprehensively comparing the evacuation time, the degree of smoke spread and the CO concentration in 10 evacuation schemes, the best evacuation method for passengers was obtained, and a rescue vehicle was designed to assist evacuation by docking the door of the high-speed train. The results show that: when the passengers in the fire compartment are evacuated to the neighboring compartments, the best evacuation method for the passengers is to leave the two rows of passengers close to the doorway and the rows of passengers close to the fire source at the same time, and then evacuate the passengers row by row by the distance from the fire source from near to far. If the rescue vehicle is used to assist the rescue, when the fire occurs in compartment 1, compartment 2, or compartment 3, the total time to complete the evacuation of all passengers after the arrival of the rescue vehicle is 533, 586, and 376 s, respectively. When a fire occurs in compartment 1, the utilization time of door 1 is 200 s; when a fire occurs in compartment 2, the utilization time of door 1 is 145 s; when a fire occurs in compartment 3, the utilization rate of the two doors is more balanced. Therefore, during the actual evacuation, passengers can be guided to fully utilize the two doors in the form of voice announcements to save the evacuation time. The research results can provide a reliable reference basis for the emergency rescue of passengers in future low vacuum tunnel train fires.

Key words: low-vacuum tunnel, train carriages, train fire, passenger evacuation, evacuation plan, fire dynamics simulator (FDS)
