中国安全科学学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 167-173.doi: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2022.03.023

• 公共安全 • 上一篇    下一篇


罗福周(), 袁慧卿, 张扬   

  1. 西安建筑科技大学 管理学院,陕西 西安 710055
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-05 修回日期:2022-02-18 出版日期:2022-08-23
  • 作者简介:

    罗福周 (1963—)男,陕西铜川人,硕士,教授,博士生导师,从事旧工业建筑再生研究,城市建设与房地产开发。E-mail:
    罗福周 教授

  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金资助(51808424); 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目一般项目-青年项目(2020JQ-690)

Assessment on fire safety resilience of old industrial building regeneration projects

LUO Fuzhou(), YUAN Huiqing, ZHANG Yang   

  1. School of Management, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an Shaanxi 710055, China
  • Received:2021-12-05 Revised:2022-02-18 Published:2022-08-23



关键词: 旧工业建筑, 再生项目, 消防安全韧性, 逼近理想解法(TOPSIS), 韧性城市, 运维期


In order to eliminate existing fire hazards of old industrial building regeneration projects, improve their safety, and to promote development of resilient cities, concept of fire safety resilience for these projects was proposed based on theory of resilience. Then, according to relevant norms and documents, a resilience evaluation index system was constructed from three aspects, absorption capacity, disaster adaptability and recovery capacity. In order to reduce influence of subjective factors, combined index weighting method was used to determine weights of indicators, and TOPSIS was adopted to evaluate their fire safety resilience. Finally, with regeneration project of Shaanxi Iron and Steel Plant as engineering background, four concrete examples were selected to evaluate and verify scientificity and effectiveness of the method. The results show that the absorption capacity and disaster resilience of regeneration projects are poor, which makes their fire safety resilience generally low. Implementing corresponding countermeasures proposed from these perspectives can significantly improve fire safety resilience of the projects.

Key words: old industrial buildings, regeneration projects, fire safety resilience, technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS), resilient city, operation and maintenance period