中国安全科学学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (S2): 164-169.doi: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2023.S2.0034

• 安全工程技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


于景斌(), 荣宝, 赵子未, 包玮玮, 史印方   

  1. 国能宝日希勒能源有限公司 露天煤矿, 内蒙古 呼伦贝尔 021008
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-12 修回日期:2023-11-15 出版日期:2023-12-30
  • 作者简介:

    于景斌 (1982—)男,内蒙古通辽人,本科,工程师,主要从事露天煤矿供配电管理、电铲的生产和维修方面的工作。E-mail:

    荣宝 工程师

    赵子未 工程师

    包玮玮 工程师

    史印方 工程师

Characteristicanalysis of spraying system of intelligent mine sprinklers based on Fluent

YU Jingbin(), RONG Bao, ZHAO Ziwei, BAO Weiwei, SHI Yinfang   

  1. Guoneng Baori Hiller Energy Company Limited Opencast Coal Mine, Hulunbuir Inner Mongolia 021008, China
  • Received:2023-08-12 Revised:2023-11-15 Published:2023-12-30


为解决井下自动防尘盲区及矿用洒水车智能化不高的问题,研发一种智能矿用洒水车变量喷洒系统。首先,利用SolidWorks软件和ANSYS Fluent仿真软件建立喷洒模型;其次,分析喷洒系统不同工况下,风速对洒水车喷洒范围的影响;最后,分别模拟仿真洒水车在0.9、3.45、4.4、6.7 m/s共4种风速条件的洒布范围并验证。结果表明:喷嘴口径一定时,喷雾喷头的水雾粒子输出量受喷头水速的影响,随着水流量的增加,降尘粒子的输出量增多,喷洒系统的洒布量增加。相同水速条件下,随风速的增加,雾滴粒子受风力影响,降落至地面的被捕捉粒子减少,即洒布范围减小。降尘区域一定时,随着环境风场的加强,应当适当提升水流量,以提升洒水均匀度和有效降尘效果。

关键词: Fluent, 矿用洒水车, 喷洒系统, 模拟仿真, 降尘


In view of the ″blind spot″ of underground automatic dust prevention and the low intelligence of the mine sprinklers, a variable spraying system of intelligent mine sprinklers was developed. Firstly, the spraying model was established by using SolidWorks software and ANSYS Fluent simulation software. Secondly, the influence of wind velocity on the spraying range of the sprinkler under different working conditions was analyzed. Finally, the spraying range of the sprinkler under four wind velocity conditions of 0.9, 3.45, 4.4 m/s, and 6.7 m/s was simulated and verified. The results show that when the nozzle diameter is constant, the output of water mist particles of the nozzle is affected by the water velocity of the nozzle, and with the increase in water flow, the output of dust particles increases, and the spraying amount of the spraying system increases. At the same water velocity, with the increase in wind velocity, the fog droplet particles are affected by the wind, and the captured particles falling to the ground decrease, or in other words, the spraying range decreases. Therefore, when the dust reduction area is fixed, with the strengthening of the environmental wind field, the water flow should be appropriately increased to improve the spraying uniformity and effective dust reduction effect.

Key words: Fluent, mine sprinkler, spraying system, simulation, dust reduction
