中国安全科学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 200-205.doi: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2024.03.1161

• 公共安全 • 上一篇    下一篇


白杨阳1(), 刘长春1, 李存英1, 艾国栋2, 刘思齐1, 宋方智1   

  1. 1 西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054
    2 三一汽车制造有限公司,湖南 长沙 410100
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-20 修回日期:2023-12-23 出版日期:2024-03-28
  • 作者简介:

    白杨阳 (1998—),男,陕西延安人,硕士,主要研究方向为清洁灭火理论与技术。E-mail:


  • 基金资助:
    2021年度应急管理部消防救援局科技计划重点研发(2021XFZD01); 陕西省2022年自然科学基础研究计划(2022JM-281); 榆林市2020年科技计划(CXY-2020-032)

Jet trajectory model of fire water cannon based on Euler method

BAI Yangyang1(), LIU Changchun1, LI Cunying1, AI Guodong2, LIU Siqi1, SONG Fangzhi1   

  1. 1 College of Safety Science and Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an Shaanxi 710054, China
    2 Sany Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Changsha Hunan 410100, China
  • Received:2023-09-20 Revised:2023-12-23 Published:2024-03-28



关键词: 欧拉法, 射流轨迹, 消防水炮, 射程, 卷吸空气


In order to improve the accuracy of fire water cannon jet trajectory prediction and overcome the difficulty of traditional parabolic theory to describe the phenomenon that "when the initial velocity is constant, the range increases with the increase of jet flow", first of all, the Euler method was used to establish a one-dimensional mass conservation equation along the trajectory of the water jet in the air, axial momentum conservation equations and the radial momentum conservation equations. Then, assuming that the axial velocity distribution of the water column and air column was in the shape of "bowler hat", the established conservation equations were derived and analyzed, and the fire water cannon water jet trajectory calculation model was established. Finally, based on three conservation equations, the numerical computation process of the jet trajectory model was given and verified with the collected experimental data. The results show that the error of this model is less than 10%.

Key words: Euler method, jet trajectory, fire water cannon, range, entrained air
