中国安全科学学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 128-133.doi: 10.16265/j.cnki.issn1003-3033.2019.06.021

• 安全工程技术科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


王晓勇, 罗珅, 任杰, 朱彤 副教授   

  1. 长安大学 汽车学院,陕西 西安 710064
  • 收稿日期:2019-02-28 修回日期:2019-05-20
  • 作者简介:王晓勇(1995—),男,山西吕梁人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为交通运输安全。。

Research on interval time of traffic violations for bus drivers and its influencing factors

WANG Xiaoyong, LUO Shen, REN Jie, ZHU Tong   

  1. School of Automobile,Chang'an University, Xi'an Shaanxi 710064,China
  • Received:2019-02-28 Revised:2019-05-20

摘要: 为加强对公交驾驶员违规行为的管理,收集公交驾驶员违规时间数据和驾驶员性别、驾龄、学历等个人特征数据;基于生存分析模型,采用非参数分析方法和Cox回归分析方法,研究不同群体公交驾驶员违规间隔时间的差异以及影响驾驶员违规间隔时间的因素。结果表明:50%的公交驾驶员违规的间隔时间大于65天;公交驾驶员中,就文化程度而言,有初中文化程度的驾驶员违规间隔时间最长;就性别而言,女性驾驶员违规间隔时间与男性驾驶员相近;就驾龄而言,驾龄大于 20年的驾驶员的违规间隔时间最长;对驾驶员违规间隔时间有显著性影响的因素是文化程度和驾龄,性别对驾驶员违规间隔时间没有显著性影响。

关键词: 公交驾驶员, 违规间隔时间, 生存分析, Cox回归, 影响因素

Abstract: In order to strengthen the management of bus drivers' violations of traffic rules, their time of violations and gender, driving age, education background and other personal characteristics data were collected. The non-parametric analysis method and the Cox regression analysis method were used to study the differences in the interval time of different bus drivers'violations and factors affecting the drivers' interval time of violations based on survival analysis. The results show that 50% of bus drivers' interval time is greater than 65 days, that in terms of education level, drivers with junior high school background have the longest interval time of violations, that in terms of gender, the interval time of violations for female drivers is similar to that for male, that in terms of driving age, drivers with driving age greater than 20 years have the longest interval time of violations, and that factors that have a significant effect on the drivers' interval time of violations are education background and driving age, while gender have no significant effect on drivers' interval time of violation.

Key words: bus drivers, interval time of violations, survival analysis, Cox regression, influencing factors
